

this realization hurts
in the breakingbackaching
heartchafing way that falling to
stone paths from high fences
makes one's ankles
scream -- electrified,
this unwonted epiphany.

as my finitude, so
fleshily r e a l
hits stonilyflatroad,
as i cry out
for the give
and sweet smell
of soil beneath my
feet(testament to
my mind whirls, my heart
dances dirvishes(frenzied
repetition like a caged bird):
how to find
in this

my weakness burns.




)watching wings, great w i d e
silverswimming wings overhead
drawing a single shadow
on the ground
in my heart of
hearts, darker
than the pupils of my eyes,

swimmingly azure with
unshed tears-- i believe that
when the heart tears it bleeds
brightskyblue(the origin
of worldly-wondrous colors
is far wider, far
more v a s t, more
i m m e n s e than anyone does

dreaming me)you
swam, silvery-smooth and
raylike: ~ .slow. ~

through the outpouring of
my He ^ art:


upon that
flow, you must know
that the silver shadow
you (so swimmingly) cast
from above i

and its darkly-filled pattern
-:s -:p -:a -:n -:n -:e -:d
dimensions innumerable both
within and

without, was even
in the raindrops
each; and, picking up velocity,
substance, and shape, each also
took upon its nourishing form
the vague and hollow imprint of

through air,
cloud, and
increasing quantities of


then, a brightness all afresh left me

awash in newness of love and
wholeness of

blessing filled me with colors all
-hued and glorious:
and held within falling bits of
sky(mayday!,i had thought,as)
a rainbow's thick-banded jewel-
burst in upon my shadowed

consciousness in the midst of
grey rain (its colors putting me
in mind of Jerusalem's stones
reverberating); testimony
to sunshine
and the singularly alluring promise
song in the skies(our
shamelessly brilliant Future ---

inexplicable, this heat
in my heart of hearts(achinglywithincasedinthesetearsmygratitude):
it claps its hands like choirs of angels
ascending and descending here
the sparkling jeweled steps of this stairway,
ladder into heavenly throning presence,
footsteps ringing(with the clear, ringing sounds
stones are yet humble enough to refrain from,
for us) for His incalculable worth. *Jerusalem!*

inarticulate, arrayed and held within falling
bits of sky(mayday!ihadthought,but)
Heaven visited that rare quarter-hour, sang from the skies
with shameless brilliance like i've never seen
before or since. one rainbow, thick-banded with deep
jewel-tones and a multitude coursing up and
down its eternally ungraspable, glorious
arch(mayday!ihadthought,butno)their steps
were sure, and it felt as though they held _me_
in their outstretched hands, as though their tongues
worshipfully transfigured my sorrow, bringing me
before my Maker. *Jerusalem!*

inchoate, even i know the exceptionless Christ was no
madman, but a lover. there is sharply, stunningly, widely
Truth in his tender care for those he loved, healed, taught,
walked with, rebuked, ate with, forgave, and challenged...
and in the purity of his depthless Center, that particular
untamable wholeness, fullness of Integrity(circumspection,
continuity)both bounded and described by love, how(?)could
gentleness with such loyalty, such *joy*
be anything but Peace? this shepherd's every act:
humility. no grasping
for power, for influence but rather a submission to More
than simply what human-he or any other wished:
abundance(was your blood, Emmanuel, peerlessly full
as this rainbow? your intercessions as raindrops
glittering in the light from the throning heavenlies?)...

Broken Lord, please! Remember me(servantKingwithoutequal)
when you come into your Kingdom! *Jerusalem!*
7/4/07 2.44 am scmnts. timvisit.
~(c) Marykathryn Huffman
draft iv